Text and Graphs
Lots of updates since the last one, here goes:
Everyone I know seems to have a blog, so now I feel all left out or something and I'm going to try and keep this thing a little bit more up to date.
I got a new camera! woohoo. Well, its used but in excellent shape. Canon 10D with a 24-85 3.5-4.5 lens.
Now you can find out what I listen to all the time: http://www.audioscrobbler.com/user/ckdake/. My apologies in advance for some of the awful awful music that may show up every now and then :).
I got a new job. The Fulcrum Group. If you need network security related things, give us a call.
Alternate view for printing, available under ckdake.com menu at the top.
So I found this really neato thing called FCKEditor that lets me do text formatting with the input here. Click on the edit link for an example of what it looks like.
I also am starting on a perl script to analyze log files for instant messenger programs. My insane IM usage is shown here: