Earlier this week I turned 23. Just another day really except San was in town and we ran around all weekend and I ended up with slightly more things than I started the day with:"Thinking of You 2" by Sam Brown, and the Japanese edition (none of this silly American dubbing and cropping to 4:3 stupidness) of My Neighbor Totoro. (And a crochet corn dog. with crochet ketchup and mustard on it). So hooray for crossing of another book and dvd from my wantlist. San actually came up with what to get me before looking at the list even though they were on the list. Awesome.
Saturday we went to Big Basin State Park to see the Redwoods and then headed down to the Monterey Bay Aquarium to see the Sea Otters, and then down to Pebble Beach to see the ocean. Sunday was the SF-88 Nike Missile Site and Mt. Tamalpais.
Fireworks in Mountain View on July 4th were pretty disapointing. Lenox Mall fireworks in Atlanta (pictures from 2005) and things like fireworks over the river in Prague (pictures from 2005) just have me spoiled. Most of what I got out of them on the 4th here is that I need to get better at taking pictures of fireworks and maybe use a tripod once in a while. Hopefully I'll get around to uploading the pictures from this go at it tomorrow.
One more month to go in California!