Windows 7 64-bit on a MacBook Pro
I have a MacBook Pro for work, and have Windows on it in a separate partition for the occasional thing that requires it. I had to get it's logic board replaced and for various reasons it made more sense to reinstall OS X and Windows once everything was replaced and back to me. Mac OS X was easy, but Windows was a bit more of a pain because while I have several legal copies of XP, i've lost track of which license keys go with which ISOs and Microsoft wants to call me to activate things. Thankfully, this is a work computer and work as a Microsoft volume license plan so I grabbed a 64-bit Windows 7 Professional ISO and Key, and gave that a shot. First problem, the DVD wouldn't boot: it instead presented "Select CD-Rom Boot Type" and 2 options, and the keyboard was unresponsive.
After a bit of Googling around, the following is the way to get around this, assuming you have another Windows system or VM available:
- Grab a copy of oscdimg.exe (heres one) to somewhere like C:\
- Put the DVD you already burned into your Windows box
- Run:
oscdimg -n -m -bd:\boot\ d:\ c:\win7×64.iso
- Burn this ISO to DVD
- If Needed, use Boot Camp Assistant in Mac OS X to partition your disk for Windows
- Boot up with this DVD (hold down C when booting, use the Boot Camp Assistant to start it up, etc) and Windows 7 will install!
Once it's up and running and you try and install the BootCamp drivers from a Snow Leopard DVD, you'll run into some more things that try and stop you. The fix for them is to manually run the 64-bit driver installer in Administrator mode. One way to do this:
- Open up an Admin mode console by right-clicking on "Command Prompt" in start -> all programs -> accessories, and clicking "Run as administrator"
- type in "cd d:/Drivers/Apple" to change to the Drivers/Apple folder on the DVD
- type in "msi.exe BootCamp64.msi" to launch the 64-bit installer, and it will install and do it's thing
After those few steps and not too much time, you'll be up and running in Windows 7 on your shiny Mac laptop. Some things I've noticed:
- It's faster feeling than Windows XP
- It's prettier than Windows XP
- It feels like it wakes and sleeps faster than OS X
- Steam and Team Fortress 2 work and seem faster than Windows XP
- The Internet works.
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