Night ride at Blankets Creek

I finally got a chance to try out recording some video with my helmetcam and newest light. The results are pretty good, and with a little more tinkering with camera angles, I think the results of night riding will be pretty watchable!

Blankets Creek at Night from Chris Kelly on Vimeo.

FM:Race team members Bob, Jim, Jason, Adrian, and I ride for ~2 hours on Friday night at Blankets Creek in Woodstock, GA. Jason's light died, Bob's pants died, and good times were had.

Music: Silversun Pickups - Substitution

Filmed with a VIO POV1.5 lit by a NiteRider SlickRock 900 and a NiteRider MiNewt x.2 Dual. Next time I'll aim the camera a little higher, but this is a definite improvement from just the NiteRider TrailRat 10W: