North Eastern Road Trip - June 27
This morning I got up around 9:00 and had eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast. I swam for a little while, but I had to dry off and change so that we could got to Valley Forge. All seven of us got into Scott's Jeep and off we went. I got my passport stamped at the visitor center and they also had some glue in stamps of other places that I have been, so I bought a pack of them.
We bought the audio tour tape and took the 45-minute drive. On the tour, we got out a few times, but most things cost extra so we did not go into any of the buildings, but we did see quite a few deer from the car. On the way out, my dad took a picture of the sign, and we drove back to Shambala, their house, which means something like peace and harmony for all living things. We swam some more, and had hot dogs and chips for lunch.
Scott has rather cheap long distance, so I got to do something that I have been needing to do this whole trip, check my e-mail and upload the most recent version of my page. Over the course of three weeks, I got 85 e-mails! About five of them were unsolicited ads, 15 were newsletters of some sort, but the rest I actually had to read and try to respond to! I could not give many long responses, but I left all the ones that I could not reply to in my mailbox so I can reply to them when I get back to Atlanta.
After that, I swam some more. There was a bunch of girls having a party next door, and they were playing the Backsteet Boys really loud, but thanks to Scott's stereo, I was not able to hear it. Thank goodness for outdoor speakers! We had veal and lobster tails for dinner, but I only had the veal. It was very good, just the same quality as last night.
For desert, we went out to a dairy farm and had home made ice cream. They had banana-flavored ice cream, my favorite, so I got a double scoop of it. It was not quite enough, but it sure was good. At this dairy farm lives the world's fattest pig, Wilbur, who weighs 1,100 pounds. There were four or five chickens asleep on top of him, but I was told that he never moved so those chickens could stay there for hours.
When we got back, I was going to watch the X-Files, but it was one that I had already seen twice so I watched the MTV Movie awards for a while. 'There's Something About Mary' won best move! That is sick sick sick. It was picked over 'Armageddon,' 'Shakespeare and Love,' and 'Saving Private Ryan'; that is just wrong, but that is definitely MTV for you.
After that award, I changed the channel to Stars and watched 'Six Days, Seven Nights.' It was good, although I did not see the very beginning. The same thing happened as last night with Scott on the couch with Jesse, but Michael and I went to bed around 12:00 instead of 1:00. I took a quick shower before I went to bed, and I pretty much went right to sleep.