I´m in Europe!
Well, everything finally fell into place and I am now in Europe. I´m writing this from the house of Jens from the Gallery project in Munich, Germany. The day before Becca and I left we finally got all of our train ticket reservations so we could avoid the possibility of standing room only on overnight trains, and STA Travel at Georgia Tech helped up with last minute lodging in Paris and Rome. And our Itenerary is different than the last update again. We flew into Amsterdam first, and the sleeping on the plan fell through with a screaming baby sitting the isle next up so upon arriving in the Netherlands we were both tired and 6 hours off instead of being almost acclimated. After wandering around Amsterdam for a bit we ate lunch in a nice little cafe and took a boat tour of the canals for about an hour. I was feeling pretty awful so we fell asleep in a couple of places, first a couch in a department store and then in a Burger King in the train station. Oh yeah, its cold and has been raining off and on. Lots of fun. Late at night our train showed up and we got on and headed off the Prague, Czech Republic. Sleeping on a train wasn´t as easy as expected, espically when every few hours the train makes stop or a conductor or the police wake you up to see your ticket or your passport. But we made it to prague, and took the subway to the stop recommended by our hotel. A random guy gave us free subway tickets at the station because of how confused we looked at the machine, and we stamped them and went on our way. There was some sort of military demonstration going on outside of the train station and traffic was horribly messed up and after a few missed attempts we ended up walking in the direction of the hotel and then figuring out what bus we were supposed to take. After the bus ride we once again struggled to find the hotel. The directions weren´t very good and it is pure luck that we actually ended up there. There was showering, lunch at a pizza place, sleeping, and then we set off to explore the city. We saw all kinds of things, details will be here once pictures are up, but it included Castles, churches, bridges, and all kinds of things. Dinner was at an amazing resturant on the side of the river, and as we wandered out onto the bridge some fireworks started. It was the most amazing fireworks I have ever seen and following them we rode around on a tram and then found our way back to the hotel. Sleeping in a bed.. amazing... The next morning we checked out, stashed our backpacking bags behing the counter, and headed down to the city. We found Old Town Square and deicded to take a walking tour. Our guide was absolutlez amazing and seemed to know every thing that there is to know about Prague and it´s history. After the tour was more wandering around taking pictures, followed by dinner at a nice resturant on a hill with a view of the whole city. We went back to the hotel, got our bags, and went to the Musem Plaza area for some drinks before hopping on the train to Munich, Germany. After another slightly sleepless night on the Train, Jens picked us up from the train station and we went back to his place. After showers and laundry and breakfast we are off again to see the city. More in a couple of days and pictures when this is all over! (There are only 300 or so so far..)