Cameras, Christmas, and Crazyness

Bulleted list updates seem like the way to go for things that aren't about anything in particular so here goes:
  • Christmas
    • Came and went, nothing too too eventful
    • I got:
      • Lots of random little stuff
      • Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 lens
      • GT Cycling Jersey
      • Johnny Quest Season 1 on DVD
      • Cooking books, Photography books, and a Travel book
    • I gave my parents a tivo that involved what turned out to be some craigslist sketchyness. First they gave me the wrong remote and now the thing just decided to die. They got a new one that was free with a rebate and all so it's more along the lines of the thought that counts but eh, thats annoying that it broke. Really annoying.
  • Camera stuff
    • I Used Canon's super awesome "Cash In With Canon" deal, Amazon's discount, A new Visa, and by acting as a passthrough for a friend to get a lens so that I could get a new camera and lens at what ended up being 25% off. The 20D replaces my year old 10D and the EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM lens is about the sweetest lens ever. Fast and sharp, theres some pics taken with it in the Trips>2006>Jan-Knoxville album in my Gallery.
    • To put things in perspective, I took 3455 pictures with my little Canon S200 over almost 3 years.  Then I took 6036 with the 10D in 9 months, so we'll see how long the 20D lasts :)
    • The 10D is up for sale.  675$ is the asking price, let me know if you want it. It's been good to me.
  • Hopefully new Apple laptops come out tomorrow so they can get beat up on for a few months so that when rev2 comes out I can replace my aging Powerbook.  As of tomorrow it will be right at 5 years old and It's usefulness is decling a lot.  I'd like to have an OSX machine around, but if the new laptops either don't show up or don't do it for me, I may end up with an x86 laptop running Linux and a Mac Mini a few months out for that sort of thing.  It's good to have the big three in my room for development and testing, and the ancient x86 box with Windows on it never gets booted up so it's just fine how it is.  Next thing I need for my desktop is a new monitor and Dell now has a 30" so prices on slightly smaller ones should start to dip a little bit. a 24" or two 19" ones would be awesome.
  • I'm somewhat scrounging for things to do over the next couple of months before I find out if GT is going to let me in to Grad School, but here's the list so far:
    • Paid research assistant for GTRNOC working on CPR. Same thing I worked on last semester for credit, hopefully what I will be working on as a grad student.
    • Web architect for  It's top sekret for the moment, but keep checking back for something really awesome!
    • Doing random websites for random people that keep getting in touch with me. 
    • Server setup and managing through a friend of mine for nights when I'd rather get a fresh Gentoo install up and running with all kinds of services instead of sleeping.
More updates will happen more often now as I have a bit more time. We'll see how productive things turn out to be..

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