busy couple of weeks!

It's definitely been a busy couple of weeks. We've had a few weekend events at work as we slowly are moving things to a setup that will prevent us from needing to do anything on weekends, and there's been a whole lot of bike riding. But first, my most recent tinkering with HDR photography: Thats three exposures of one of the trees in my backyard, taken at 11mm on the new tripod with a remote shutter. On to what I've been up to the past few weeks that you might be interested in:
  • Tomorrow morning I'll hit 2000 miles of road riding this year, with 1750 of them on the newest road bike. That's bringing me pretty close to 4000 miles so far since February 1st, so hopefully I'll round off the year with 5000+?
  • I got new wheels on my track bike and will be training on that this winter for next years season (assuming I don't break anything between now and then!). I've been mountain biking a couple of times and am getting back into the habit of 30mile+ mountain rides, and I'm slowly working out a training plan so that I can maybe win some races next year.
  • After 20 or so years of never having a real camera tripod and taking pictures, I finally purchased one. Here's a crummy picture of the Acratech Ultimate ballhead with Leveler mounted on the Gitzo Explorer Basalt legs. It's sturdy, light, easy to use, and I'm looking forward to using it a lot. Hopefully it will last me another 20 years or so.
  • I was able to get a Wii Fit for list price! Daniel couldn't have said it better: the internet rules.
  • FM.24.08 happened again and was an even bigger success than last year. The tracking system worked great, but I unfortunately didn't take as many pictures as at FM.24.07 last year. Here is this year's good set.
  • The final Dick Lane Velodrome Festival of Speed of the year went down and I was able to take plenty of pictures there since almost nobody else from Faster Mustache showed up to spectate! Friday Night Sprint pics and pictures from Saturday. After sprints on Friday, I rode around town and took some awesome night shots from the top of a building in downtown Atlanta, and before FoS started on Saturday San and I went by Connolly Nature Preserve and I got some shots of the champion trees there. (Read more about the trees here).
  • Lastly, I'm slowly whipping my mini-web hosting company into shape. If you're looking for hosting, head to ithought.org and keep your eyes peeled on www.ithought.org for some exciting news sometime in the next month or so.