DLV Beginner Class

Saturday evening I spent at an Atlanta Thrashers game with Kurt, Seth, and Graham, eating all that I could eat. 1 bucket of popcorn, 1 pretzel, 1 order of nachos, 6 hot dogs, and 4 cokes later I decided to call it quits (eating more than anyone else. hoorah!). Kurt then tried to convince me to go on Emily's Death Ride on Sunday: ~75 miles of mountain biking on fire roads in north GA in the cold, but the food conquered me and I respectfully declined. Instead, I headed down to the velodrome on Sunday to record some video of the beginner's class as they (including my brother, Namrita, and Eddie experienced riding on the track for the first time. ~2 hours of video (and riding) later, here's the end result:
09 Beginners Class at the DLV from Chris Kelly on Vimeo. I tried out a few new camera mounts which turned out pretty awesome, and learned a few things including: mount the camera on the infield side of the frame, and watch out for loose velcro, and iMovie's image stabilization is no good for this sort of footage. It'd be neat if it could stabilize this sort of thing, but the results were very very weird. In the future, I'll try and spend a little more time editing so I can get these biking videos down under 10 minutes. I'll also try and pay better attention to how much riding I'm doing while recording, as my legs had about 50% more than they're used to for a workout at the track.