FM:Race kits and XC racing at GSC

FM:Race is off to a great start this year. Our kits finally came in and we think they look pretty awesome. Here's a group shot from a casual road ride we did on Saturday: FM:Race kits The rest of the photos from that set are available here: Faster Mustache Race Team Spring Leisure Ride. Interested in buying something? Find out how to do this here. Though they weren't here in time for the Snake Creek Gap races, they are here before track racing season begins, and came in just in time for the first race of the Georgia State Championship series of cross country mountain bike races. GSC#1 was on Sunday at East Macon Park, and FM:Race had a crew of 6 racing everything from full suspension to single speeds, in beginner to expert classes. Eric N was the 2nd fastest person on a single speed bike there, and Aaron managed to get 8th place in the expert category averaging 11.86mph over 30 miles: FM:Race Aaron grabbing 8th place in expert at GSC#1 This was my first ever XC mountain bike race. I did The 2005 24 Hours of Adrenalin at Conyers (pictures), as well as #1 and #3 of the Snake Creek Gap time trial this year (blog on #1, video from #2); but XC is a little different: Mass start pretty fast loops around a small XC course (instead of ultra-endurance or crazy hill climbing and descending), easy enough for the kids group to do a lap, but the fastest people still win. I was 9th in a field of 17 in the Beginners 19-29 group, which isn't a bad start! (Full results - I was in the "white wave") My average speed was 10.31mph which is my fastest on record for mountain biking since I started keeping track a year or so ago, and this was my first mountain bike ride not carrying my backpack which meant no water. I may look into a smaller bag or a water bottle for future XC races. For the entire race, Bob was never more than a minute or so behind me, and the trail looped back and forth on itself so constantly seeing eachother was probably helpful motivation for both of us. I took some pictures during the yellow wave but no photos of me riding have surfaced yet. This was definitely a great first XC race, and I'll be doing a lot more of these as the season continues! Up next is SERC#3 at Tsali, and something tells me FM:Race will be there in full force again: FM:Race out in full force at GSC#1