More Bike Videos

Here's another bike video post, and I have most of the generes covered now so the rate at which these are produced should slow down a bit. First is an 11 minute video from the third round of the Snake Creek Gap Time Trial Series. You can read more about the series here. I missed the second race due to work travel, and for the third one I didn't improve my time much (just a minute or so) because I started too strongly on Adrian's tail, stopped a few times to tinker with the camera, and got leg cramps 200 feet from the top of the last uphill which was a new experience for me. Here's the video:
2009 Snake Creek Gap Time Trial #3 from Chris Kelly on Vimeo. A few days later I went to the velodrome with Gregory and David to do my first round of training there for the season, and put together a brief teaser video for that:
Track Season 2009 from Chris Kelly on Vimeo. Wednesday night was the first of the season for Aaron's Cycling's Wednesday night ride which was very fast (though I somehow avoided getting dropped), and tonight was FM:Race's first weekly Thursday night ride. It's been a very fast paced week on bikes and I'm beat, so it's a good thing that I'm not riding tomorrow. The training plan probably needs some adjustments, as trying to race both track and mountain bikes this year is going to be quite a mess.