SugarCON week in California

SugarCON was last week, so I was in San Francisco, California to interact with some of SugarCRM's customers and other employees. We did a good bit of socializing which is partly captured in this photo album of pictures from my little camera, but I took a lot of pictures with the big camera and some things are worth pointing out here. Tuesday evening was the SugarCON boat cruise around the bay, which had some awesome views including: Wednesday after SugarCON ended, a few of us went to a shooting range for about an hour and took a few pictures inside. (I took this 365 picture on the way there.) San showed up on Thursday and did a bit of San Francisco exploring on her own, and after a boot-camp with some SugarCRM partners, the IT team and most of our significant others headed to Lake Tahoe for a few nights away from the city. The lake was a short walk through the woods from our cabin, and of the Lake Tahoe pictures I uploaded, these capture it pretty well: We didn't do any winter sports other than throwing a few snowballs, but it was nice to have casual conversations with work people over beers or in the hot tub instead of on IRC. (Also, FYI, when you see "tonemapped" in a URL of a picture here, its a tonemapped HDR image resulting from a combination of 3 images that gives more details in highlights and shadows than a single image would, sometimes more accurately producing the look of a scene and sometimes just making it look awesome.) On Sunday, Jesse, Seth, San and I headed back towards the cost with the hope of reaching Point Reyes before sunset. On the way, we stopped a few times. First for a bathroom break and some pictures including: Then, at a Point Reyes visitor center on the San Andreas Fault to walk along the "earthquake trail" and break open our 1.5lb bacon and cheese sandwich on the fault line: Even though we made it to Point Reyes lighthouse before sundown, it was after 4:30pm so the visitor center and lighthouse were closed. Regardless, some great views: We arrived back in San Francisco under the cover of darkness, and got in some exploring the next day before heading home including Twin Peaks, Fort Point NHS, and the Golden Gate Botanical Gardens: More pictures from everything are in these albums: All in all, it was a pretty good trip but after 10 days away from home, I was glad to be back!