Mountain Biking at FATS
This past weekend, Jim, Jason, and Bob, and I headed east to Clarks Hill, SC for 2 days of mountain biking at FATS. The weather was perfect, the trails were perfect, the burritos after riding were perfect, and we all had a blast. Everything good that you hear about FATS is true and if you ride bikes, you owe it to yourself to spend a day riding there!
Here's some video from Day 1, where we rode the "steep" side, Deep Gap + Big Rock + Tower, which was ~1700ft of climbing over 18 miles in a little over 2 hours. Watch for madison exchanges and some typical tomfoolery. There's entirely too much Orange because it's hunting season, and Bob owns a bunch of safety vests.
FATS from Chris Kelly on Vimeo.
Day two was no video, Great Wall + Skinny + Brown Wave + Deep Step, ~1900ft of climbing over 26 miles in almost 3 hours. We ran into Chicken and Eric from APB in Atlanta and rode with them most of the way. Jim had a nasty fall that may or may not have cracked one of his ribs so he warmed up the car for us after the APB went home, while Bob and Jason and I did the last loop on Deep Step.