North Eastern Road Trip - June 17

Today was another long driving day. Last night, my brother rolled over onto my mattress, and I could not wake him up; so, I had to sleep on the ground up against the side of the tent. That put me in a bad mood, and I got in trouble a lot throughout the day. We got up as usual, packed up everything, and had doughnuts in the van for breakfast. We drove north, to the Port au Choix National Historic Site. It was rather interesting. The Vikings and two different groups of Native Americans made this part of Newfoundland home. The walk to the actual site was too long, so we just looked around in the visitor center and we watched a short video about the place. Afterwards, we drove to the lighthouse to look for whales, but there were not any and we drove back up to the highway. Along the way, we stopped a few times for pictures and once for gas. In one of the small towns along the way, we stopped and my dad reserved us a spot on the ferry to Labrador tomorrow at 10:30. We drove on northward to another lighthouse point. There were a lot of icebergs in the water, and my mom and I think we saw a baby whale. Back into the car we went, and on to L'Anse Aux Meadows, the first known Norse settlement in North America. It was very cool to be at the sight where the Vikings first landed. There was a visitor center, boardwalk, the actual dig sites, and park employees dressed in period clothing in rebuilt buildings explaining things. L'Anse Aux Meadows is also the furthest north point in Newfoundland that one can get to by car. Back south we drove to our campsite and set up our tents. The campground that we ended up in only had two tent sites! We had spaghetti for dinner, and my brother built our fire. The scary thing was that his fire actually worked! He then cooked marshmallows on it; I would have too, but when he got them at the grocery store, he did not buy any Graham Crackers. The mosquitoes got bad around 8:30, so we all got in the car and drove out to the end of the road in Goose Cove. After about a 3/4 mile run, I got to a point of land that was about 500 feet from a huge iceberg. The sun was setting right behind it, so I got some great pictures. Now back in the van at the campsite, I got all of the things that I needed for the tent and we all synchronously opened our doors and ran into the tents to avoid the bugs. My brother and I listened to my CD player for a while and played cards, and around 10:00, with the sun still up, we went to sleep.