North Eastern Road Trip - June 24

I was woken up around 8:00 this morning with the smell of bacon floating through the house. We all had pancakes and bacon for breakfast, and my brother, once again, refused to do the dishes. So my dad ended up doing them which got him in a bad mood. After our fiftieth load of laundry was done, and my mom had put my brother's and my pants on the couch, I asked Michael if he had any Old Navy jeans. He said yes, so I dropped his on the chair. He then screamed at me for throwing his things and I got into trouble again, oh well. I cleaned up my things some and we got in the car and headed for the base of Mt. Washington. First, we drove to the base of the cog railway. It is the first of its kind, and the second steepest cog railway in the world. I finally found a good disk (most people call them Frisbees, but that is just one company's.) in the gift shop and bought it. We looked around and took some pictures, but the 100 dollars that it would take for us to ride to the top was too much so we left and drove around to the other side of the mountain. On the other side, we paid the ridiculous entry fee of 34 dollars and started the drive. The provided tape narrated us up the mountain, so I did not listen to my CDs on the way up. The average grade of the road is 15%, which is more than twice the maximum grade that companies are allowed to build public roads these days. We looked in the gift shops at the top and my dad bought a T-shirt, but I already have two. The view was amazing, and we saw one of the cog trains in action, along with a huge ski resort and thousands of acres of undeveloped wilderness. We drove the eight miles back down the mountain, and at the base, our whole car smelt like the brakes were exposed to a little too much heat on the trip. My dad took a picture of one of the warning signs while my brother and I looked at some of the cars that were going to be in a race up the mountain this weekend. Then the rain came. It rained extremely heavily for a while and then it started to hail. My dad pulled the van over to the side of the road under some trees and we waited. After fifteen minutes, it seemed to have stopped, but right as we pulled out, it started to hail again. After another fifteen minutes, it finally did stop, and we continued our drive back to our condominium. After leftover pork in sandwiches, I took a shower and pulled the computer back out. I typed for a little while and then got past the next few screens in Oddworld. That game has gotten to be almost impossible, so I put it up and changed into my swimsuit. My mom, my brother, and I all got into the van and drove down to the fitness center. She said that the weight room, which is what I really wanted to do, was open if you were 15 and up, but the was the exercise room. So I could not lift weights; I just rode a few miles on an exercise bike and I ended up sitting in the hot tub for a while. I took a shower in the locker room, and my mom decided that we could break the rules some, so I lifted weights for a bout fifteen minutes while we waited for my brother to finish playing Macro Polo with a bunch of eight-year-olds. I would have gotten into the pool, but it was only six feet deep and no diving or jumping was allowed. We then all got in to the van and drove back to our condominium. I played Oddworld some more and I did not get much further, but it kept me occupied until dinner. For dinner, we had some more huge steaks. After eating, my dad fell asleep on the couch and my mom, my brother, and I played gin rummy for a while. Michael started to make fun of me for no reason, so I left and went to bed. I can not argue with him because I will get in trouble, and if I stay, he keeps getting louder and louder. C'est la vie. (that's life)