Another Week

Another week has (almost) passed since the last thing on here, and I've been doing the usual.  More biking, working, eating, and the usual.   Thursday night I had dinner at El Amgio with Becca and some of her friends and some guy that is apparently the almost-boyfriend of one of the girls there was super awesome and paid for all of us. Random guy.. you are the man.  Friday was first some mid-afternoon mountain biking at Sope Creek which was just kinda so-so. There are parts that are blazing fast with lots of little jumps, and its fun to climb back up all the downhill stuff, but it was short and 3$ to park and there were fallen trees across the trail too big to ride over and none of the smooth fast quick turning single track that I'm used to.

After getting back from that trip I switched bikes to the roadie and headed downtown (after replacing a flat tire on my road bike that has mysteriously appeared over night).  I met Christopher and Daniel at Christopher's work and we rode up peachtree to the Kroger parking lot that's across the street from the masonic temple.  We were going to be racing/filming the race/taking pictures but not everyone got there at 6.  After some phone calls and wondering, Kurt finally showed up and apparently DVA got hit by a marta bus. The race was going to be between Kurt and DVA and now there were only 4 of us. Oh yeah. it was pouring rain and I got to test out my sweet waterproof backpack for the first time on a bike. It's awesome yellowness kept my camera safe and dry throughout our adventures.  But back to the riding, after deciding against doing the race thing we rode all the way down Peachtree to Memorial, and ended up at a little resturant next to Grant Park.  I had the best two corn dogs I have ever had in my entire life for dinner and then Christopher and I rode back to his work to pick up our cars.  We drove to Christopher's where there was some hanging out, and then I came home and passed out due to the lack of sleep and too much biking all week.

Saturday was failry uneventful for the most part. Talked with my dad about the new website I'm working on for his company, and some catching up on things. Melissa came over for dinner and we went and saw Charile & The Chocolate Factory.  It was pretty good and is the kind of movie you could see again and again.  We were laughing out loud for a good bit of it and I highly recomend everyone see it at some point. 

So now it's Sunday and I've worked on some website stuff a bit more, fixed a connection in Anya's tv, gone to the grocery store, and tried to finish putting together Laura's birthday present.  It's tough to find things when you're looking for something very specific. Ah well.  She's flying in tonight sometime and after she shows up its probably cupcake eating time. mmm.  Time to try and get some more work in last minute before heading to the airport...