Out with 2008, in with 2009!
2008 ended with me watching Georgia Tech get completely obliterated by LSU at the Chic-Fil-A Bowl, but at least I had the new mini-camera that San gave me for Christmas to take some pictures. We made the best of it by joining the crowd in making paper airplanes and throwing them onto the field, and afterwards I met up with San at a party in Decatur to ring in the new year. Looking back over 2008, things were pretty good:
- 35,924 visits to ckdake.com
- 133,083 visits to fastermustache.org
- I uploaded 2353 photos to my photo gallery
- Saved/Invested 12% of my post-tax income
- Doubled ithought revenue over 2007 and invested in new hardware that should keep my new hardware costs in 2009 pretty minimal
- Finished 1 year working for SugarCRM and did a lot of really neat things. Much more neat things are planned for 2009!
- First whole year living in the house I own.
- Second trip to Europe
- Thanks to work travel, got Silver Medallion at Delta, and Silver VIP at Hilton.
- Got organized (see this for starts). Keeping up with things and what I need to do is now easy and doesn't get in the way
2008 was also my first real "year of the bicycle". I've been riding bikes for a long time including bike commuting, mountain biking, etc, but this year was a big step:
2009 is looking like it's going to be even better, and I have a list of things that I would like to see happen this year. I'd call them new years resolutions, but I'm on track to do all of these already and they're based on last year, so they are more like predictions than unrealistic goals! Heres the current list:
- double ithought revenue again
- save 15% of my post-tax income
- develop a RAW workflow for DSLR and stop shooting JPG
- eat more protein and fiber, and less saturated fat
- keep better track of nutrition/exercise/health (got a new scale and a blood pressure monitor for Christmas)
- Race at the velodrome and in the mountains with FM:Race
- Go on a week long mountain biking vacation
- Mountain bike at 10 places I've never mountain biked at before
- Ride 1000 more miles than 2008
- Continue getting rid of things that I don't use.
- Finish getting furniture for my house: bed, a few small tables, new filing cabinet
- Do a few house projects like fixing some things in the back yard, re-doing lighting in the living room, installing closet shelving